I had a very good day today. We woke up early, in order to have a traditional breakfast our host had made for us. I didn't say anything, but I did not like it very much. Spicy food for breakfast? Yuck! Anyway, after breakfast we walked along the shore. I got a good pair of sunglasses with the money Allegra had given me for Christmas. Allegra got three scarves and a bird took a poo on my foot. We hung out on the beach the whole day, but I didn't go in the ocean because the water was polluted and I didn't want to get it in any of my orifices. We had dinner at a rooftop restaurant. The restaurant had a Russian name and served Indian food. They moved two tables together right next to the terrace allowing us all to have an excellent view of the beach below. Off in the distance we could see the lighthouse and the full moon above. After the delicious meal, Allegra and I played tag on the beach as we headed back to our Guest House.
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