_We have landed in Uganda, Birch and Allegra and my first time on African soil, along with and Carolyn's third time!  We get through customs which takes longer than expected and when we finally pick up our bags and leave the passenger area we are met by Sabia, a wonderful American / Ethiopian woman that is working as a Peace Corps volunteer with Barbara in Bududa.  Sabia gives us all a warm welcome and immediately starts answering all our questions:  How long have you been waiting for us?  Where are we staying tonight?  How far is Bududa?  How long have you been working with Barbara at the school in Bududa? 
     We walk along to the parking lot where a Toyota van is waiting for us to take us to our overnight accommodation just 5km from the airport.  The driver is pleasant, we all load in along with all our backpacks and . . .

_he races away.  Yes, he literally races away at top speed, which is very different from our experience in India.  In India there are thousands of more cars and it is impossible to drive above 60km/h.  I'm sure the driver was actually driving at the legal speed limit but it felt much faster after being driven around in India's chaotic bumper-to-bumper traffic for six weeks.  We are dropped off at a place called JJ Backpackers and we settle into our room.  We talk with Sabia for a while longer before she has to leave and we arrange to meet the next morning at the bus terminal to make our way east to Bududa where we will be volunteering for the next five weeks. 
          After settling in our room, we have some time to take in our new environment.  We are in Uganda, Africa!  (I have to keep reminding myself where we are, as it is such a dream come true!).  We are not far from the airport which is located about 30km south of the capital Kampala on the shores of Lake Victoria.  Being on the outskirts of the capital was quite pleasant, surrounded by hills with Lake Victoria off in the distance.  It isn't crowded; every now and then you can see a beautiful brick home and nicely-kept properties dotting the countryside.  The earth is an orange-red colour supporting exotic (to us!) lush green vegetation.
    We decide to take a stroll before dinner and a local Ugandan offers to show us around.  We are not far from a weekly market that is just across the street.  We wander around taking in all the chaos and colour of the market.  Anyone that has something to sell just sets a blanket down on the side of the road and spreads out their wares.  People are selling everything and anything from fruits and vegetables to clothes, school supplies, watches . . . and the list goes on.  After exploring the market we decide to eat dinner at a patio restaurant not far from where we are staying.  With full bellies we slowly make our way back to our room and call it a night.
We have arrived in Africa!

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