New Zealand, a country of endless coastline, beautiful green rolling hills, winding roads and one lane bridges!! Yes one lane bridges. These one lane bridges are found throughout the Northland and anywhere outside of Auckland. For me these bridges are quite the novelty. It seems as if every crossing outside of Auckland has these one lane bridges that are just wide enough for their large transport trucks. As we drive along the winding roads and take in the fairy tale scenery you will see your common traffic signs; speed limit, steep grade, sharp turn ahead and YIELD RIGHT OF . . .
WAY ON APPROACH TO BRIDGE. Negotiating these one way bridges requires some experience and nerves. Being a novice New Zealand driver I approach the bridge with caution and immediately slow down making sure another car is not approaching from the other direction. Whereas a New Zealand driver seems to accelerate and play a game of chicken; probably thinking "the first one there has the right of way" so I will go faster. This is my experience upon the approach to these bridges and part of me thinks that our rented Jucy Condo van with its purple and green colours and subtle advertising yells out TOURIST to the local Kiwis and hence they go faster to get to the bridge first.
Of course this is not the case. As Carolyn pointed out to me a sign indicates which direction has right of way north or south; east or west, if the sign idicates that the southbound driver must yield and give right of way then the southbound driver is expected to slow down and yield. It is all civilized in the end yet I still find these one lane bridges quite the curiosity.